Monday, November 16, 2009

Tessemae's 'Za

I have now won two pizza cook offs with this recipe. And now, I give it to you. You will need the following:

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Hot sauce
Feta Cheese
Organic pizza sauce
Green Peppers
Red onion
Black Olives

-Pre-heat the oven to 400, get the dough to a thin even shape on a large cookie sheet that has been rubbed with olive oil.
-Pre cook the dough for about 10 minutes.
-While that is cooking, start simmering the chopped red onion and mushrooms in a frying pan with Tessemaes all natural until they are nice and soft. When they get to the tenderness that you like, take the contents out of the skillet and place on a plate. --Leave the remaining Tessemaes in the frying pan and place the sliced pepperonis in the pan. Cook those suckers until they are crispy. Take the Pepperonis out of the skillet and let them cool on a cutting board.
-Take the dough out of the oven. Make a spiral on the pre cooked dough with the pesto and then follow that same spiral with the pizza sauce so the entire dough is covered. Sprinkle a good hot sauce over top of the spirals.
-Sprinkle chopped green peppers, fresh basil and black olives evenly over top of the dough.
-Take the red onions and mushrooms and spread evenly over top of the dough.
-Take the chopped cooled pepperonis and sprinkle over top of the dough.
-Sprinkle the feta over top of everything
-Place the pizza back in the oven until the dough gets crispy
-When the dough is crispy enough, take the pizza out and drizzle Tessemaes over top of the entire thing

Serve with a Tessemaes Salad and get ready to win every pizza contest you enter!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tessemaes Chicken...soooo good

Tessemaes Chicken in was a huge success for a post workout dinner party!